

1 File->Setting->Tools->external tools->添加工具

2 配置参数:

Program: $PyInterpreterDirectory$/python  
       // 配置下的python解释器的python目录
Arguments: -m flake8 --show-source --statistics $ProjectFileDir$  
      // 参数
Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$  
     // 当前的项目路径
Output Filter: (留空就可以了, pycharm能自动识别路径.)

3 在 Tools工具栏 -> external tools 中使用

C:\Users\Domob\Desktop\dev\middle_server\user_account\ W391 blank line at end of file

C:\Users\Domob\Desktop\dev\_middle_server\user_account\ F401 'django.test.TestCase' imported but unused
from django.test import TestCase
C:\Users\Domob\Desktop\dev\_middle_server\user_account\ F401 'django.shortcuts.render' imported but unused
from django.shortcuts import render

C:\Users\Domob\Desktop\dev\_middle_server\user_account\ W292 no newline at end of file
default_app_config = 'user_account.apps.UserAccountConfig'                                                          ^
2     E101 indentation contains mixed spaces and tabs
2     E114 indentation is not a multiple of four (comment)
2     E116 unexpected indentation (comment)
16    E122 continuation line missing indentation or outdented
1     E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent
2     E131 continuation line unaligned for hanging indent
4     E201 whitespace after '['
6     E202 whitespace before ']'
2     E203 whitespace before ':'



1 File->Setting->Tools->external tools->添加工具

2 配置参数:

Program: $PyInterpreterDirectory$/autopep8  
       // 配置下的python解释器的python目录
Arguments: --in-place --aggressive --aggressive $FilePath$
      // 参数
Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$  
     // 当前的项目路径
Output Filter: $FILE_PATH$:$LINE$:$COLUMN$:.*

3 在 Tools工具栏 -> external tools 中使用 自动调整代码格式

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